1. Why did you create your blog?
Because Molly and Caton told me to...and being as narcissitic as my sister, to share my general wonderfulness
2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
Mostly lifestyle blogs - people with much more interesting lives than myself
3. Favorite brand of make-up?
4. Favorite brand of clothing?
5. Indespensible make-up product?
Concealor - if nothing else makes it onto my face, there is that under my eyes!
6. Favorite color?
In general pink, for home decor beiges/brown, clothing to go with my coloring teal
7. Favorite perfume?
Aquolina Pink Sugar and yes, it smells like sugar
8. Favorite movies?
All time favorite is Clueless - I will watch it if its on no matter what else may be happening at the moment
9. What country would you like to visit and why?
I will go to France someday. I have a mild obsession with Parisian culture and Marie Antoinette
10. Would you rather to forget to put mascara on one eye or blush on one cheek?
Since I use only enough blush to look flushed and 2-3 coats of mascara, I'll take my cheek.
Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link to the person who gave you the award
2. Answer 10 questions
3. Pass it along to blogs you've recently discovered and enjoyed
4. Leave the recipients a note, telling them about the award
(Since I'd really only tag Molly and Caton - I'm exempt from 3 and 4. Yay me!)
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