Sunday, February 20, 2011

OMG - It's getting worse...

So I am hideously hungover today. The morning started out ok but I am rapidly declining as the day has worn on. Going to do a quick post highlighting last night shenanigans then hit the hay.

After getting soaking wet going to 2 different Kohl's I was able to find my birthday outfit. I went with the pink sequined mini dress and turned it into a tunic. Added that gray, cropped cardigan I wear to work a lot and wore it with dark skinny jeans. Topped it off with these beauties. The result was pretty awesome if I say so myself. There's a whole birthday album on Facebook so check out the final result there as I'm too lazy to post it again here :)

Lastly, I just wanted to say thank to everyone who's made this a great birthday so far. I have felt truly anxious about turning 29 yet because I've been having too much fun to think about it. Also, a shout out goes to Mike, my favorite bartender, for making me some delicious items (a "rugburn" and a "blowjob") but also having the forsight to make me start drinking water while he closed up the bar and we went home.

Still two days before it actually happens - tomorrow will be sleeping in, laundry and maybe some shopping before the hockey game tomorrow night. The big day will be lunch with my favorite girls and then making steaks for dinner and watching Glee. If the shopping trip happens, I'll be sure to post the goodies but if not, regular blogging will resume on Thursday (Wednesday is date night with Ashley!)

1 comment:

  1. dont get anxious about turning 29. now you have a bro-in-law who is older than you and you can take comfort in that. he is going to be *30*! blech!

    call me later this week (or maybe i'll call you - it's going to be an insane whirlwind b/c we are closing) and you can tell me about your night.

    happy birthday sissy
